Manufacturer 十大正规网赌平台

1-10 of 42 available promotions
$700 off 60" X-ONE

Save for a limited time.

Posted onJan 1, 2024

1月1日至6月30日,享受700美元的优惠,60台“Hustler X-one”配备川崎FX850发动机. SKU 941856 Only.

Regularly Advertised Price: $12,699

优惠价格: $11,999 1

  • 60" Side Discharge Deck

27 HP Kawsaki FX850 Engine

  • Up to 12 mph mowing speed
  • 5年/1200小时(前2年无小时限制)有限保修.

1 Promo price for base unit only, 不包括任何经销商特定的费用,如送货, 包装 & 安装,配件,适用的融资费用,或适用的销售税.

到期: 7/01/2024
Fleet Discount Program
开始: 10/01/2023

Fleet Discount Program

10/01/2023 - 9/30/2024


Fleet Discount Program


  • 当至少购买2个单位时,获得舰队定价(25%折扣).
  • 当购买4个或更多的产品时,提供超级舰队定价(27%折扣).
  • All DEWALT handhelds sold through IR dealers are eligible. Every $5,000 worth of DEWALT equals 1 unit (20% off)
  • Cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion.
到期: 10/01/2024
开始: 10/01/2023


10/01/2023 - 9/30/2024

PRO产品零售及幼军宿舍*可享七折优惠, DeWALT电池手持设备和Walk behind在非营利性和税收支持机构的零售折扣为15%.


  • PRO产品对非营利和税收支持机构的零售折扣为27%.
  • 初出茅庐的实习生 Residential*, DeWALT住宅*对非营利性和税收支持机构的零售折扣为15%.
  • 附件 & 配件折扣也可在购买时.
  • Cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion.
  • *以下产品不提供投标援助计划回扣:初出茅庐的实习生电气, CC30, Enduro Series XT1, Challenger 500, 700 & uv.
到期: 9/30/2024
Cooperative Purchasing Program
开始: 10/01/2023

Cooperative Purchasing Program

10/01/2023 - 9/30/2024


Cooperative Purchasing Program


  • 该计划为以下有兴趣在没有完整投标过程或没有采购合同的州购买产品的组织提供了选择,请参阅完整文件中的列表.
  • MTD产品公司作为合同持有人,为HGAC和BuyBoard提供报价和发票. Purchases made under NPPGov are direct through a dealer.
  • Cannot be combined with any other offer or promotion.
到期: 9/30/2024
NALP Member Discount


  • NALP的会员可以享受15%的折扣.
  • PRO Z™系列和PRO Z™系列附件的常规价格优惠15%.
  • 不能与任何其他优惠、演示或十大正规网赌平台结合使用.
到期: 9/30/2024
Hero's Program Rebate

Current and retired Fire, Law Enforcement, 护理人员, EMT, 美国军方有资格在购买选择零转和PRO产品上获得回扣.


  • 一次性$300英雄折扣可适用于(1)ZTX或ZTXS (1) PRO Z™HW 300或PRO Z 100系列购买.
  • 一次性$500英雄回扣可适用于(1)PRO Z™500, 700 or 900 Series or (1) PRO X™ Series purchase.
  • US Military eligibility includes US Marines, 美国陆军, 美国空军, 美国海军, US Coast Guard, National Guard and Reserves.
  • Upon verification, approved Hero Rebates will be mailed, 作为支票, to the address submitted by the consumer.
  • 不能与任何其他优惠、演示或十大正规网赌平台结合使用.
到期: 9/30/2024
Save on PRO Z 960 L EFI


优惠仅适用于PRO z960 L EFI,在参与经销商和网上 for shipments only in the 48 contiguous states. Offer valid 4/1/24-6/30/24 or while quantities last. 不能与任何其他折扣或促销相结合,也不适用于税收或运输和处理. If you return the merchandise, 此十大正规网赌平台的价值不会退还或记入您的帐户. Does not apply to prior or future purchases. No cash value, except where prohibited. Promotion is subject to change. Other restrictions may apply.

到期: 6/30/2024
Hero's Program Rebate

Current and retired Fire, Law Enforcement, 护理人员, EMT, 美国军方有资格在购买选择零转和PRO产品上获得回扣.


  • 一次性$300英雄折扣可适用于(1)ZTX或ZTXS (1) PRO Z™HW 300或PRO Z 100系列购买.
  • 一次性$500英雄回扣可适用于(1)PRO Z™500, 700 or 900 Series or (1) PRO X™ Series purchase.
  • US Military eligibility includes US Marines, 美国陆军, 美国空军, 美国海军, US Coast Guard, National Guard and Reserves.
  • Upon verification, approved Hero Rebates will be mailed, 作为支票, to the address submitted by the consumer.
  • 不能与任何其他优惠、演示或十大正规网赌平台结合使用.
到期: 9/30/2024
Yard Card 融资

Hustler Turf – Yard Card 融资 项目

提供可在所有新的骗子设备和附件. 项目 are available through 7/31/2024.

*0% APR for 24 Months with Equal Payments: Minimum purchase $1,500. There is a promotional fee of $150 for this transaction. 0% APR from date of eligiblepurchase until paid in full. 月付款是购买金额除以报价的月数. Last payment may vary due to rounding. On-time payments will pay off the promotional balance. 其他交易及收费会影响每月付款总额. Prior purchases excluded. Account must be in good standing. 标准帐户条款适用于不符合条件的购买. New accounts: standard Purchase APR 29.99%. Minimum interest charge $1. 现有帐户,请参阅您的持卡人协议以了解适用条款. Subject to credit approval. Yard Card financing account issued by TD Bank, N.A. Offer expires 7/31/2024.

*0% APR for 36 Months with Equal Payments: Minimum purchase $2,500. There is a promotional fee of $150 for this transaction. 0% APR from date of eligible purchase until paid in full. 月付款是购买金额除以报价的月数. Last payment may vary due to rounding. On-time payments will pay off the promotional balance. 其他交易及收费会影响每月付款总额. Prior purchases excluded. Account must be in good standing. 标准帐户条款适用于不符合条件的购买. New accounts: standard Purchase APR 29.99%. Minimum interest charge $1. 现有帐户,请参阅您的持卡人协议以了解适用条款. Subject to credit approval. Yard Card financing account issued by TD Bank, N.A. Offer expires 7/31/2024

*0% APR for 42 Months with Equal Payments: Minimum purchase $3,500. There is a promotional fee of $150 for this transaction. 0% APR from date of eligible purchase until paid in full. 月付款是购买金额除以报价的月数. Last payment may vary due to rounding. On-time payments will pay off the promotional balance. 其他交易及收费会影响每月付款总额. Prior purchases excluded. Account must be in good standing. 标准帐户条款适用于不符合条件的购买. New accounts: standard Purchase APR 29.99%. Minimum interest charge $1. 现有帐户,请参阅您的持卡人协议以了解适用条款. Subject to credit approval. Yard Card financing account issued by TD Bank, N.A. Offer expires 7/31/2024.

*0% APR for 60 Months with Equal Payments: Minimum purchase $10,000. There is a promotional fee of $150 for this transaction. 0% APR from date of eligible purchase until paid in full. 月付款是购买金额除以报价的月数. Last payment may vary due to rounding. On-time payments will pay off the promotional balance. 其他交易及收费会影响每月付款总额. Prior purchases excluded. Account must be in good standing. 标准帐户条款适用于不符合条件的购买. New accounts: standard Purchase APR 29.99%. Minimum interest charge $1. 现有帐户,请参阅您的持卡人协议以了解适用条款. Subject to credit approval. Yard Card financing account issued by TD Bank, N.A. Offer expires 7/31/2024

*1.90% APR with 48 Monthly Payments: Minimum purchase $1,500. There is a promotional fee of $150 for this transaction. 1.从符合条件的购买之日起至全额付款为止,按90%年利率计算. 每月付款金额等于购买金额和报价期间的估计利息除以报价的月数. Last payment may vary due to rounding. On-time payments will pay the offer balance in full. 其他交易和收费会影响每月付款总额. Prior purchases excluded. Account must be in good standing. 标准帐户条款适用于不符合条件的购买. New accounts: standard Purchase APR 29.99%. Minimum interest charge $1. 现有帐户,请参阅您的持卡人协议以了解适用条款. Subject to credit approval. Yard Card financing account issued by TD Bank, N.A. Offer expires 7/31/2024

*4.99% APR with 60 Monthly Payments: Minimum purchase $2,500. There is a promotional fee of $50 for this transaction. 4.99% APR from date of eligible purchase until paid in full. 每月付款金额等于购买金额和报价期间的估计利息除以报价的月数. Last payment may vary due to rounding. On-time payments will pay the offer balance in full. 其他交易和收费会影响每月付款总额. Prior purchases excluded. Account must be in good standing. 标准帐户条款适用于不符合条件的购买. New accounts: standard Purchase APR 29.99%. Minimum interest charge $1. 现有帐户,请参阅您的持卡人协议以了解适用条款. Subject to credit approval. Yard Card financing account issued by TD Bank, N.A. Offer expires 7/31/2024

*No Interest if Paid in Full within 12 Months: Minimum purchase $500. There is a promotional fee of $50 for this transaction. 为了避免利息,您必须在促销期结束前支付全部促销余额. 如果您不这样做,您将从购买日期起按标准购买年利率收取利息. After the promotional period ends, 标准的购买年利率也适用于剩余余额和收取的利息. 最低月供要求,但他们不会及时还清余额. You must make larger payments to avoid the interest. Prior purchases excluded. Account must be in good standing. Other finance plans may be available. 标准帐户条款适用于不符合条件的购买. New accounts: standard Purchase APR 29.99%. Minimum interest charge $1. 现有帐户,请参阅您的持卡人协议以了解适用条款. Subject to credit approval. Yard Card financing account issued by TD Bank, N.A. Offer expires 7/31/2024.

到期: 7/31/2024




Now through June 30, 2024, 合格的买家可以获得低利率融资或现金返还购买精选新的威猛饲料设备,包括打包机, 割草机, 耙子, tedders and more.

Connect with a 维米尔 dealer

With a robust distribution network across North America, 威猛(维米尔)依靠独立的创业经销商,为我们的客户提供独特而有益的体验. 维米尔经销商知道你的干草作业不会在季节中期的周五或周六停止. 他们认识到,当客户的工作和收入受到威胁时,他们需要得到照顾.


从行业内第一个大型圆打包机到第一个自行式圆打包机, 50多年来,威猛(维米尔)一直是干草和饲料行业创新的领导者. 不断引入创新,改变你获取干草的方式.


当然,做干草不仅仅是捆干草那么简单. 威猛(维米尔)拥有多用途的干草工具和产品,适用于干草制作过程的每一步——从割草到喂养牛群. Now through June 30, 2024, 符合条件的买家可以获得低利率融资或现金返还选择威猛产品.

到期: 6/30/2024